Friday, June 10, 2011

A lot to tell...

First of all: all rabbits survived the parasite!! Hemi will stay paralyzed from the waist down, but that's not really an issue as she perfectly live with it. The only thing we should stay attentive for is that she doesn't get diarrhoea, because that may indicate the parasite has come back and then we should immediately start treating her again. So far she does a very good job. It's weird though that although she's paralyzed, she can still manage to walk around a bit.
Bentley can walk again. She lost a lot of coat due to the medicines, but she's alright again. And because of the hot weather in Belgium she didn't care about losing a bit of hair... :)

Viggo strained his thigh during a much too rough game with the girls... He can walk, run, do everything you'd want him to do, but when he has to step inside, it hurts.

Mona got bitten by Grace today. Grace ain't no little sweetheart!!! Mona came too close to her when Grace was licking a plate. Grace growled and then bit her. Mona's nose is hurt, but fortunately we managed to stop the bleeding pretty fast. Grace has detention for the rest of the day and will not be taken for a walk tonight, that's for sure!

Shaggy is just good little Shaggy-boy! He's doing fine, nothing to tell there.

Well now, did I miss somebody? Guess not...

Talk to you later! :)





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