Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mona's belly

Some people asked me to place some pictures of pregnant Mona. So, here they are! Hope you can see it on the pictures. (If you click on the pictures you can enlarge them.)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The boys are affraid of Mona!!!

As we give all animals something to eat, first Viggo, than Mona and than Shaggy. Viggo is a slow eater, he's a slowfood, Italian boy that really enjoys his food. Shaggy, as being the smallest, eats the slowest. Mona normally also enjoys her food, but now she's pregnant, she eats really fast than goes of to Viggo's food, tries to steel it, but that doesn't always work! If that doesn't work out she goes of to Shaggy's food. So now our boys are affraid of the pregnant foodsteeling lady of the house!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Mona The Cookie Monster

So I came home today, the whole kitchen floor was messy. Mona took all the dirt out of the bin (with a little help from her friends of course) ... She does that every ones in a while, but now she's pregnant she does it more often. Yesterday evening she did it twice, but then we were right there so we could still stop her in time. But now... I forgot to put something on top of the bin.
What will become of those poor little puppies she's carrying??? What will they think about their mom?
Aaaah, she's obviously very hungry and all she want to do is take care of her unborn kids, so I can't be mad at her! How can you be mad at a pregnant lady who looks so cute with her fat belly! ;)

Mona Vreetmachine

Ik kom thuis van school, de hele keukenvloer vol vuil. Wat was hier gebeurd? Mona had de vuilbak leeggehaald, met de hulp van haar vriendjes natuurlijk. Ze heeft dat wel eens eerder gedaan, maar nu ze zwanger is doet ze 't vaker. Gisterenavond heeft ze 't twee keer geprobeerd, maar dan waren we vlakbij dus konden we haar nog tegenhouden. Maar nu was ik dus vergeten om iets op de vuilbak te leggen zodat ze er niet aankon...
Wat moet er van haar puppy's worden? Wat zullen die wel niet van hun mama denken?
Ach, Mona heeft duidelijk altijd honger en eigenlijk wil ze gewoon graag goed voor haar ongeboren kindjes zorgen, dus kan ik eigenlijk niet boos op haar zijn. Wie kan er nu boos zijn op een zwangere dame met een schattige dikke buik? ;)

Thursday, March 25, 2010


We did another progesterontest yesterday and everything is going well. Mona gained about 3,5 kg (7,7 pounds) in a week!! So we can say that her pregnancy is evolving the way it should! :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mona's getting bigger

Mona is getting bigger really fast. She starts to waggle like a duck.
Wednesday we're doing a new progesterontest to see if everything is going the way it should be.
We'll keep you posted!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A little presentation of my best friends

This is Shaggy! Proud uncle for Mona's puppies!

This is Viggo! 'Stepdad' for Mona's puppies! ;)

The parents to be

This is the daddy to be!

This is the mum to be!

Mona's expecting puppies

Mona (Top Shelf's Make Mine A Double) has been bred to Joy (Joy to the World For Shadow's Eternity) on Feb 14th and 15th. Yesterday we made an ultrasound and we found out Mona is carrying at least 4 babies. Her due date is somewhere around April 16th.