Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update surgery

Grace's surgery went well, better than the vet had thought! The urethra on her right kidney was better attached to the bladder than expected. She woke up and everything seems fine. She has to stay until monday but maybe she can come home a little bit sooner.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Grace's surgerey is planned for Wednesday June 30 at 14h00. Please put your thumbs up for her that day! She has to stay at the animalclinic at least until Monday, longer if there are some complications.
Dr. Ruth Fortrie will perform the surgerey, she works at the Randstad Dierenkliniek in Borsbeek. She will remove her ill kidney and replace the urethra that doesn't finish in her bladder.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

1st time hospital

Grace will have to go to the animalhospital of Borsbeek Thursdayevening. She will have to stay there until Saterdayevening.
While she's there, they will give her some contrastfluide and than they'll make scans every few hours to see how her urethra goes. It's a long time in hospital for such a little doggy, but they have to know exactly where they're going to have to operate.

Grace moet donderdagavond naar de Dierenkliniek Randstad in Borsbeek. Ze moet dar blijven tot zaterdagavond. Terwijl ze daar is krijgt ze contrastvloeistof toegediend en dan maken ze op verschillende tijdstippen een scan om te zien hoe haar urineleider loopt. Het is wel lang dat ze daar moet blijven, maar ze moeten natuurlijk wel weten waar ze precies moeten opereren.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Today we had a little photoshoot!

Our tree Newfies all together in one picture! Love it! And they were all very good dogs, they just posed, looked at me 'You want it like this? Or is that way better?' and I just took the pictures!

'Boooorrriiinnngggg!!! Now I'm sick and tired of it!'


"The way I spend my day..."

I play with Shaggy, my very best friend, although I hurt him every once in a while... Well, or he pretends to be hurt to get more of my undivided attention... that puss knows the drill!
When I'm sleeping, he has a little bit of rest, but when I'm awake, he sure knows I'd go after him... Sometimes he tries to hide, but I find him almost everytime!!! ;) It's a pitty though that I cannot jump up on the table the way he does, I really admire him for that!
And after playing with my mate, I'm tired enough to sleep for a few hours! But when I'm done sleeping, you know what I'll do...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Page for Grace

From now on Grace has her own page on the blog!!

First two names for pedigree

Mr Orange will be called Gandalf and his pedigreename will be Cape Lewisporte J'Gandalf.
Mr Red will be called Jason and his pedigreename will be Cape Lewisporte Jabulani

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Puppies left the house

Mr. Red went to live in Holland with Wijnand Bles and his family. (
Mr. Orange will be living in France at kennel 'Etoile de Cyrice'. (
The others will go to the US when they get a little bit older, they are staying at Danielle and Jan's until they leave. (

And Ms Lila will be staying with us and will be called Grace. We decided to keep her because she's a very special girl. Unfortunately, she has one kidney that doens't function the way it should, so the bad kidney has to be removed and her urethra has to be replaced. That's much to go through for such a little babygirl and she will have to recover for a while. That is the main reason why we decided to keep her, so we can take very good care of her.

I'll let you all know when the surgery will take place, so you can all spend that day putting your thumbs up! ;)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

All the puppies passed their doppler-test

(Photo by Jan Counotte, Cape Lewisporte)

Yesterday all the puppies had their dopplertest and all of them passed the test! All good hearts!
Gisteren hebben alle puppy's hun dopplertest gehad en ze zijn allemaal goedgekeurd voor de dienst! Allemaal goeie hartjes!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

All cleaned up

After the puppies took a swin, they had to get all cleaned up before they could go to sleep!
Na hun duik in het zwembad, moesten de puppy's wel terug proper zijn vooraleer ze konden gaan slapen!!







Light Blue:


'Swimming in the pool'

Very hot day in Belgium, nice to play outside!!!

Green and Blue 'pulling the strings' - Light Blue (sitting) and Orange (standing in the back)


It was a very very hot day...

Orange - Light blue - Blue - Lila


... so we provided a 'pool':

Blue - Purple (trying to get into the 'pool')



Orange - Blue - Purple

Blue (in the tub) - Purple

And this is how we look after our refreshing swim:

Blue - Purple - Light blue (in the back)





Light Blue

Lila - Orange

Blue (on his back) - Red