This is a blog dedicated to my four best friends:
Newfoundlands Viggo (black&white), Mona (black) and Mona's daughter Grace (black) and sheltercat Shaggy.
Viggo: 14th April 2005;
Mona: 30th December 2006;
Shaggy: 22nd November 2008;
Grace: 16th April 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
All the puppies passed their doppler-test
(Photo by Jan Counotte, Cape Lewisporte)
Yesterday all the puppies had their dopplertest and all of them passed the test! All good hearts!
Gisteren hebben alle puppy's hun dopplertest gehad en ze zijn allemaal goedgekeurd voor de dienst! Allemaal goeie hartjes!
flink he