It's been a while since we've updated this page, so here we are...
First of all some bad news: most of our puppies suffer from kneeproblems; some of them have already had surgery, others are already put down...
Grace also has that same kneeproblem, but at only one of her knees, not both. Most likely she will undergo surgery when she's over 18 months old, that way she will be fully recovered from her kidneysurgery and bladderproblems. The most important thing is get her through that first and than we'll start thinking about the other surgery, because she isn't really in pain with that knee. After she gets of antibiotics for her kidney and bladder, we'll start giving her some meloxicam tablets. Thanks for this tip to our dear friend and breeder of Viggo, Iwonna!
Okay, enough with the bad news!
As I hear from my brother and mum, Grace is still the little pig she's always been. She wrecks everything she finds and teases her mum and stepdad. She's also copying everything Viggo does. Viggo's still the overprotective stepdad and Mona... Mona looks great, she's finally gotten over her pregnancy and motherhood. For a while she really suffered hormone swings with becoming incredibly thin and without any joy for life, she really looked horrible for some time and when she stopped eating, we were afraid to lose her. But now she's all over that stuff and found back how to be a great Newfoundland! She's not being the 'teaching' mum, because she allows everything little Gracie does, but she sure as hell is a very loving mum!
So to sum up, I really don't have to be afraid to come home to totally different dogs (I'm living in Italy for 6 months to go to school there):
Viggo is still the great, big dog he always was. Loving and carrying for Grace and Mona.
Mona is back her joyous self she always was. Playing and being completely crazy.
Grace is a playful, curious and 'love-to-learn-something-new' puppy.
Shaggy became a beautiful cat, he'll be celebrating his 2nd birthday soon. Also still loving and carrying for Grace and playing with her.
Some pics my mum sent me:
Sleepy Shaggy |
Runnnnn!!!! Viggo - Grace - Mona |
Like mother like daughter
Viggo - Mona - Grace |
"Runnnnn, Mummyyyy!!! Dad's right behind you!!!" |
Beautiful Grace |